The month of June is all about Pride. Worldwide, thousands of people take over the streets to protect the rights of LGBTQI+ persons. Unfortunately, this celebration has also become a space for rainbow capitalism and does not fully represent the work and effort of some communities. So, how do we create a celebration that is also activist and socially aware? How do we heal from our colonial past while celebrating who we are? How can we break with the already designated idea of Pride and create something new? For this edition of Queer City, we are giving the stage to Black Pride, Papaya Kuir, Asian Pride and other collectives and artists from the BIPOC Queer community who actively work on visibility and celebration throughout the year. Join us in this journey of decolonizing and reclaiming Pride through performances, music, dance, conversations and a lot of BIPOC Queer joy and activism.

In conversation with
Fayaaz Joemmanbaks
Activist & researcher
Social science researcher, musician, community organizer
Programme seriesQueercity

Queercity bouwt voort op de reeks van Femcity van Pakhuis de Zwijger maar geeft hier een queer draai aan. Tijdens de QueerCity reeks presenteren we verschillende thema’s die de BIPOC LHBTQI+ gemeenschap treft, waaronder kunst, cultuur, geschiedenis, veiligheid, trans zorg, woningnood en statushouders.