Together with Loving Room Concerts we are hosting this open mic night for beginning musicians to perform on! Do you have an interesting voice? Do you write your own songs? Are you looking for a place to experiment and try out new material? This open mic is your moment to shine.
Location: New Metropolis Nieuw-West (Burgemeester Rendorpstraat 1, Amsterdam).
Doors open: walk-in.
Open mic acts.
Performance by Rae Charmaine & Gianluca Pagliaricci.
How can I participate? Do you want to come and play? Send an email to Let us know by email what you want to show. You have a maximum of 10 minutes for your act. Are you looking for musicians to accompany you? Let us know in your email, so we can see if that is possible. If we have space, it is also possible to sign up on the evening itself.
Do you want to come and listen? Sign up via the blue RESERVE button at the top of this page!
About the initiators
Loving Room Concerts bring together intimate experiences featuring music, poetry, comedy, food and various themes in small spaces. Carefully selecting unique and inviting venues in Amsterdam, Loving Room Concerts aims to provide an unforgettable atmosphere for music enthusiasts and artists alike. The shows showcase a mix of local and international talent, introducing fresh music and new voices to your ears. The team at Loving Room Concerts is excited to share their passion for music, poetry, comedy, food and more with you.
Annemarie Libbers is a singer, singing teacher (CVT technique) and she makes films and musical performances under the name Eye Create Mirrors. She has also been writing her own songs for a few years now, both in English and in Dutch. Annemarie: “Juul and I know each other from the singer-songwriter training at La La Lab. That’s where the idea for this open mic was born. It is fantastic to perform with your own songs, but it is even nicer and more inspiring to be able to share that feeling with other musicians. Who knows what collaborations will result from that.”
Juul Willems is a singer-songwriter and makes Dutch-language poetic pop. Watching and listening to others gives her a lot of inspiration. Together with Annemarie she organizes the open mic nights to provide a platform for everyone who likes to share music, inspiration and ideas. She lives in Amsterdam Southeast and works for the municipality of Amsterdam.

© New Metropolis Nieuw-West: Annemarie performing.